Imperialism of Illagers Wiki

Albert Brown is a protagonist in Imperialism of Illagers on Rise of the Illagers, and a close friend of Miley. He first appeared in Our Song.


Albert is a young human with a consistent light skin tone and light brown hair. He wears a black coat with long sleeves, along with brown shirt behind it. From the waist down, he dons a brown leggings and black shoes with white laces.

Since Stronger, he got a new blue coat bought by Xena as a gratitude for saving her. The blue coat has long sleeves with silver linings and grey buttons.


Albert is humorous, casual, and sometimes forgetful, although he's willing to help others and be serious when needed. He often underestimates his enemies, as shown in his short duel against the Swarm.


Our Song[]

At nighttime, he and Miley went out for a hunt, and came across Henry and Xena. As Miley assisted Henry to kill the zombies, Albert used a teleportation pearl in front of the princess and deflected Swarm's swoop. Albert told Xena to hide and he confidently fought the assassin, only to be pinned on the ground. As both struggled, Henry stabbed Swarm's neck and threw him to the ground, dead.

Later in in their house, Albert listened on Henry's words about the Obsardis Kingdom. Warned by the rising threat, Albert asked Miley to aid them stopping the Illagers' reign, which she reluctantly agreed. They left the house as the sun arose.

Rise Up[]

In the prologue, Albert was seen sleeping on the log as the others were warming near the campfire



Skilled with his iron battlestaff, though not enough to beat Swarm.




  • His battlestaff is based on Tidesinger's battlestaff from Songs of War, only recolored.
  • In the old story, he was supposed to be the "clown of the group", lacking almost any combat capabilities. This was changed in the animated version to make him more useful.


List of Characters
Vardoclya Kingdom Alexander Flynn · Bosch Rutherford · Fredrick Rutherford · Henry Jonathan · Lucy Frank · Timmy Frank · Xena Rutherford
Obsardis Kingdom Atlas Vokreda · Conquer · Denise Lassida · Destroy · Eliminate · Execute · Eva Chantrida · Gladia Naeuda · Kaios Destroda · Swarm · Toren Dennida · Zandalfor Baskrada
Magipars Coven Arcane · Astrid Blaire · Gwydion Valdez · Maya Valdez
Central Kingdom Dillyn Central · Vettel Baskrada
Lufala Tribe Fahussala · Fulhaffas
Others Arioch · Dal'Akor · Gravial · Herobrine · Riktala · Ruth · Silas · T'lararos Brakosima · Wialra
Factionless Albert Brown · Alice Rowan · Annabelle Wind · Gordon · Miley Woods · Thirios