Imperialism of Illagers Wiki

All known factions in the series so far.

Imperialism of Illagers[]


  • Vardoclya Kingdom Banner Vardoclya Kingdom - A kingdom of villager majority, legends say their royalty hide a mysterious artifact beneath their castle. They are known to export various raw resources to other kingdoms. First Kingdom to be conquered, last ruled by King Bosch Rutherford.
  • Illager Kingdom Banner Obsardis Kingdom - A kingdom of illagers, feared for their military and magic prowess. They aim to conquer the other Platian Kingdoms to bring back the Illagers to its ancient glory. Ruled by Lord Zandalfor Baskrada.
  • Magipars Coven Banner Magipars Coven - A small group of alchemists living in a simple savanna village, known to make and trade potions to the nearby kingdoms. They have since been dissolved and last led by Maga Maya Valdez.
  • Central Kingdom Banner Central Kingdom - A kingdom of human majority, known for their naval power and cannon technology. Their last ruler, Queen Dillyn Central is nowhere to be found, causing disarray in their military.
  • Karnora Kingdom - A kingdom of wingidon majority. Ruled by Valencia ro Karnor.
  • Tuktali Kingdom - A kingdom of molefolk majority. Ruled by Broktal.
  • Posca Kingdom - A kingdom of human majority. Ruled by Queen Lazuli Fourseasons.
  • Ariden - A nation of villagers, they safeguard and document the Platian Godlore Block.
  • Lufala Tribe - An Islander Elephant tribe living in a small jungle island.
  • Vinterborg banner Vinterborg - A nation of humans, they aim to clear the Soulspawns who plagued the Serland tundra and provide refuge for the locals. Led by Sir Gravial.


  • Khorwik Banner Khorwik - A nation of pigmen and piglins. They serve as the first lines of defense against the Huotskiln invasion. Ruled by Wriork Nardakk.
  • Huotskiln Banner Huotskiln - A nation of witherkin and blazes, aims to conquer territories beyond the soul lands. Ruled by Uriuts and Erniosh.
  • Velfladac - A nation of taculs. They live high in the ceilings and don't interfere in the current war. Ruled by Dlakolaf.
  • Rugtu Tribe - The largest warplin tribe in Lyokstag. Ruled by Chief Urliag.
  • Crimsonia - The largest human colony in Netheria. Ruled by King Hieronymus.
  • Luch - A nation of taculs, they safeguard and document the Netherian Godlore Block.


Lore of Inamortia[]


  • Mortius Empire - A powerful ancient empire with most of southwestern Platia under their territory. Last ruled by Emperor Charlemagne.
  • Obsidian Legion - An extremely powerful ancient nation with a large chunk of Platia, Netheria, and Enderia under their grasp. Last ruled by Herobrine.

All items (10)
