Imperialism of Illagers Wiki

Deltacrawlers (Herpentosapien tachydromeus) are among the sapient races of Enderia in Imperialism of Illagers.


Deltacrawlers are hexapodal species with thick white fur covering most of their body to resist the cold temperatures of their habitat. They walk in a quadrupedal fashion, with their two middle limbs reduced and only used to hold objects. They primarily manipulate objects using their front limbs, which have a finger structure similar to those in Endermen, only slightly longer. They are able to open their jaws wide to intimidate their enemies.

Deltacrawlers reproduce by laying one to two eggs.

Adult female crawlers are usually slightly larger than males, but are otherwise identical.


Deltacrawlers life in packs and are highly territorial. A pack is led by one alpha female, followed by lower females, males, and finally younglings. End Crawler packs often fight with each other if their territory overlaps, or if food is scarce. They hunt in packs and use their intelligence to lure, intimidate, and kill their prey.


DeltaCrawlers are the most primitive out of all Enderians, only reaching stone age level. They are also hostile to other Enderian races.

