Imperialism of Illagers Wiki

Destroy was an antagonist of Imperialism of Illagers and a member of the Illager Assassins. He first appeared in Our Song.


Destroy was an Illager with blue eyes. His attire included a black cloak with red linings and dark red clothing underneath. He wielded a diamond poleaxe.


Our Song[]

After Swarm's demise, Destroy replaced his job to hunt Xena Rutherford. He discovers Albert and Miley's house and tracks the group from there.


In Stronger, when Albert and Miley were walking in the forest, Destroy was walking nearby. When he noticed them, he pulled out his diamond poleaxe and charged towards Albert. They have delivered attacks to each other and he kicked Albert to the ground, when he prepared to strike him down, he dodged his poleaxe. After delivering more attacks between each other, Destroy slammed him away with his poleaxe, thus disarming him and knocking him out. Then, Miley tried to shoot Destroy with an arrow, but he dodged it. He turned around and charged towards her. She has dodged some attacks of Destroy, but in an unexpected moment, he hit her shoulder with his poleaxe and knocked him away, disarming her. When Henry and Gordon appeared in the forest, Destroy has decided to flee from there.


In Bleed, when Henry started to chase Dillyn, Destroy has teleported in front of her, giving the choice of her to flee. Then, Henry got surrounded by Destroy in front and Conquer behind him. They attacked him from both sides, delivering attacks to him, but he blocked the attacks. Then in a sudden moment, Henry has impaled Destroy with a spear, ending the life of the assassin.


Destroy was skilled with his diamond poleaxe and had insane reflexes, being able to dodge arrow shots. His skills allowed him to beat Albert Brown and Miley Woods at once, but faltered against a more skilled Henry Jonathan.



  • He is based on Amon from Fractures.
    • His axe is taken from Songs of War assets with small adjustments.


List of Characters
Vardoclya Kingdom Alexander Flynn · Bosch Rutherford · Fredrick Rutherford · Henry Jonathan · Lucy Frank · Timmy Frank · Xena Rutherford
Obsardis Kingdom Atlas Vokreda · Conquer · Denise Lassida · Destroy · Eliminate · Execute · Eva Chantrida · Gladia Naeuda · Kaios Destroda · Swarm · Toren Dennida · Zandalfor Baskrada
Magipars Coven Arcane · Astrid Blaire · Gwydion Valdez · Maya Valdez
Central Kingdom Dillyn Central · Vettel Baskrada
Lufala Tribe Fahussala · Fulhaffas
Others Arioch · Dal'Akor · Gravial · Herobrine · Riktala · Ruth · Silas · T'lararos Brakosima · Wialra
Factionless Albert Brown · Alice Rowan · Annabelle Wind · Gordon · Miley Woods · Thirios