Imperialism of Illagers Wiki

Illagers (Homo cinereus), alternatively known as Greymen are among the Platian sapients in Imperialism of Illagers.


Illagers are mostly hairless apes with grey skin, furrowed brows, and large nose, the former of which is due to their tendency to live in areas with little to no sunlight (like caves or dark forests). Similar to villagers, they have an enhanced sense of smell, but they are physically extremely strong (which is due to Herobrine genetically altering them to be powerful troops).

Illagers reproduce sexually by giving birth.


Illagers are generally seen as powerful warriors and strongmen, even more so than humans are. They are also known as one of the very few remaining Platian sapiens that still have records of old magic, having their own groups of spellcasters.



Illagers who originated in the Obsardis Forestry are divided into many tribes, collectively grouped into two types: the "Warrior" tribes and the "Wizard" tribes. The warrior tribes often clashed with each other, while the wizard tribes lived in isolation before Zandalfor of the Baskrada tribe united all Obsardis Illager tribes under one collective banner, the Illager Kingdom Banner Obsardis Kingdom.

All Obsardis Illagers have their tribes as their last names. For example, Kaios Destroda is from the Destroda tribe.

Warrior tribes:

Wizard tribes:

  • Vokreda, tribe of Evokers. Known members: Atlas Vokreda
  • Chantrida, tribe of Enchanters. Known members: Eva Chantrida
  • Terrada, tribe of Geomancers.
  • Illusida, tribe of Illusioners.
  • Cycloda, tribe of Windcallers.


Illagers who originated in the Howling Island.


Illagers who originated in the Wildinia Forestry.


Illagers who originated in the southern tundra.



  • While in other Minecraft media the name "Illager" is a portmanteau between "Villager" and "Ill", in the series, the name is derived from a word from a local Illager language "ilaja".


List of Sapients
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