Imperialism of Illagers Wiki

Our Song is the first episode of Imperialism of Illagers Season 1, released on July 19, 2022. It uses the music from TheFatRat with the same name.


King Fredrick and Princess Xena of the Vardoclya Kingdom are invited by Lord Zandalfor of the Illager Kingdom to his castle, but things will go badly for them...


Inside the Vardoclya Castle, Henry opened a chest and grabbed an invisibility potion and teleportation pearl, noting that those will be useful before putting them in his inventory and closing the chest.

Outside the castle, a carriage carrying Fredrick Rutherford, Xena Rutherford, and a villager knight left the castle, Xena seen happy for her first time going to see the world. In at least two days of journey, the carriage passed through the Datarus Plains, Slatan Forest, and Obsardis Plateau before arriving at the Obsardis Kingdom at nightfall.

The scene cuts to a banquet room with Fredrick and Xena at one side and Zandalfor Baskrada and Atlas Vokreda at the other. Fredrick seemed to ask something to Zandalfor, to which Zandalfor replied an answer which shocked the Vardoclya King and Princess. Suddenly, Kaios Destroda broke the door, walked in with Denise Lassida, and the duo grabbed the Vardoclya King and Princess. Zandalfor grinned as Atlas charged his soul spell, aiming at the King. Atlas then absorbed Fredrick's soul as Xena screamed in horror, while outside an invisible Henry ran into the room. Zandalfor stood up and told Kaios to grab the princess as Atlas recharged his spell. Henry threw a knife straight into Kaios' left eye, causing Denise to let go her grip out of shock. Henry then grabbed Xena's hand and the two teleported out of the room. Zandalfor, angered, slammed his hand on the table and commanded the guards to catch them.

Off-screen, Xena and Henry managed to escape the castle. Riding on a horseback, the two passed through a birch forestry through the night. Off-screen, they dismount from the horse to avoid trace and sailed through a river during daytime, eventually arriving to the Oaken Woods the next night.



Imperialism of Illagers

Season 1
Our Song · Rise Up · Stronger · Bleed · Perfect 10 · Willow Tree
Inamortia Shorts
Herobrine's Revenge · The Beacon · The Sapients · Illager Air Raid · Guerrilla Attack
